Donnerstag, 30. Juli 2009

| Real Weddings | The Street Wedding

Someone started calling it «Trash the Dress«. It became a trend – as if people really think it is cool to trash the wedding dress! The idea of making a photo session post-wedding is nothing new in Brazil. Couples have always enjoyed the idea of perpetuating themselves as marvelous choices to each other.
| Everton Rosa |, the coolest and certainly one of the best Brazilian photographers, is not only very down to earth as well as very romantic. For him, nothing in a wedding should be trashed. So, how to name his version of this trend? In an afternoon stroll with his son, they both had another typical Rosa’s genius creative strokes: «Street Wedding«. 
Since Everton and his crew were imported from Brazil to Vienna to photograph one of {Michaela’s splendid and glamorous weddings}, he then changed this town forever! And only some days ago he has done his very first Viennese Street Wedding ...
The focus was not on the dress, but entirely on the very much in love couple in a wonderful city. Beautiful photos, perfect production, beautiful memory for eternity. 
Thank you Everton, for showing us how to make much more of wedding ideas!

{Street Wedding in Vienna | Foto Everton Rosa}
{Street Wedding at Hotel Imperial | Foto Everton Rosa}
{Street Wedding in Vienna | Foto Everton Rosa}
{In front of Hofburg Palace | Foto Everton Rosa}
{At luxury shopping street Kohlmarkt | Foto Everton Rosa}
{Street Wedding at Tiffany's | Foto Everton Rosa}
{Street Wedding at Patisserie Demel | Foto Everton Rosa}
{Street Wedding in Vienna | Foto Everton Rosa}
{In front of Liechtenstein Museum | Foto Everton Rosa}
{At the museum's entrance hall | Foto Everton Rosa}
{Street Wedding in Vienna | Foto Everton Rosa}
{Street Wedding in Vienna | Foto Everton Rosa}

Montag, 27. Juli 2009

| Real Weddings | Kinder, Kinder, ...

Wir haben schon viele Hochzeiten gesehen, und am schönsten waren immer diejenigen, bei denen den Kindern eine besondere Rolle zugedacht wurde! Wie wunderbar ist es, den Kleinen zur Seite zu stehen, wenn Sie das erste Mal die Braut erblicken, aufgeregt in die Kirche hineinlaufen, Blüten mit vollen Händen auf den roten Teppich werfen und dann zappelnd auf den Stühlen sitzen, um danach schnell wieder in den Garten zu springen.  
Vergesst nicht auf die Zeit nach der Zeremonie! Habt ihr mehr als sechs, sieben Kinder bei eurer Hochzeit, dann überlegt euch, wie ihr diese beschäftigen könnt. Gibt es doch schon unter den Erwachsenen einige, die es kaum aushalten bei langen Essen und großen Reden, Kinder können da ganz sicher nicht still halten! 
Einfach einen zweiten Raum reservieren, mit Malsachen, Spielzeug, Schlafsäcken und einem DVD Player ausstatten, eine Nanny von einer der professionellen Nanny-Agenturen in Österreich wie | Wünsch Dir Was | oder | Die Nannybox | engagieren und schon sind Klein und Groß hochzufrieden. Und die Eltern können bis in den späten Abend mit euch mitfeiern!

{Lesung während der Trauung | Foto David Willems}
{Die kleinen Neffen als Ringträger | Foto Elegant Events}
{Malen mit Händen | Foto Wünsch dir was}
{Discofeeling auch für die Kleinen | Foto Wünsch dir was}

Montag, 20. Juli 2009

| Inspiration | The Wedding List

We are not old, but some old fashions please us so much more …
Sorry to say, but we really dislike when we are invited to present money. Come on! We understand a gift as the materialization of our intention to make someone happy. Every time we are supposed to give someone a gift, we find ourselves thinking about what could be the unique something, that thing to surprise the one to be presented. Otherwise, it is not about making a gift; it is just fulfilling a duty and there relies our problem when we open wedding invitations to read that the present to be is money!
We definitely don’t like that. Meanwhile all our friends know about it and they would absolve us from this impersonal form of gift making. Shortly, we are nobody’s bank! Thus, we want today to express our deepest appreciation for the old and good «wedding list«.
On the other side, everything around getting married can be pretty overwhelming. It is too much to think about, to plan for, to organize. And above that all, to list all possible needs and wishes and even to manage it?! What for some would be a pleasure, for others can feel like torture: Well, for some to spend some time in shops selecting the new treats and treasures of the new life to come can be like an afternoon in Disneyworld! But for others, it can be like torture.
Well, dear! Believe us: Even if you think that you have everything, there will always be that many useful, or exquisite or even very expensive somethings you should rather crown your home with. Like the {Lobmeyr Alpha glasses}, we will be bringing many more ideas to entice your appetite to keep warming up your house in the near future.
For now, please get to know Hortense Boulart, the founder of | Listissimo |. She takes care of the perfect list in Austria, if you don’t want or can’t do it by yourself.

{Online Wedding List | Listissimo

Freitag, 17. Juli 2009

| Fashion + Inspiration | The real something blue

Some weeks ago we dealt with wedding traditions, talking about {something blue}. The best thing we can experience in this field is to see the combination of tradition, creativity and beauty really applied. This definitely happened at Silvia and Christian’s wedding.
Actually, many beautiful things happened at this wedding. Niely knew from the very first moment Silvia entered her atelier that «this was a bride to be hers«. Silvia’s joy, spontaneity, exquisite beauty and style showed immediately someone who could dare to be unique. Working on her headpiece was a pleasure!
When we got the wedding pictures, there we had the confirmation: wonderful stylish bridal couple, beautiful bridal party and guests, unforgettable celebration, very very very beautiful photos... Yes, because wedding photos is a theme in itself... We definitely propose a toast to every well-photographed wedding!
Well, impressive romantic photos showed us the «something blue« being so specially adopted by the bride. And sometimes it can only be your light blue eyes ...
See yourself here and - cheers, Silvia!

{Something blue on her hand | Foto Roland Szabo}
{Something blue at her wedding | Foto Roland Szabo}
{Something blue in her eyes | Foto Roland Szabo}

Montag, 13. Juli 2009

| Real Weddings | Dream Wedding in Vienna

After a very exciting week together with Brasil's most amazing wedding photographer | Everton Rosa | who has decided to visit us here in Vienna - we already told you about our {first meeting with Everton} at the | CASAR 2009 | in Sao Paulo - we were so much honoured that he agreed to work for one of Michaela's couples last Saturday. The couple was not only looking for a totally romantic location which was found with an only recently renovated private palace in the middle of the city of Vienna but also wanted to be sure that their wedding photos would be an immortal reflection of an unforgettable day.
Everton Rosa's style is amazing, his photos show the glamorous, elegant and romantic side of a wedding and above all he tells us a wonderful story of love, passion and tenderness. Bridal couples fall in love with his calm and at the same time intensive way to work with them, he definitely knows how to make them look amazing.
And this is what he also did at his shooting in Vienna! And he gave us the permission to show you first impressions he did about the location, more will follow later ...
And we have to say that again and again - Obrigada Everton, voce é um fotógrafo maravilhoso!

{Wedding by Michaela Honies | Elegant Events | Photos by Everton Rosa}
{Wedding by Michaela Honies | Elegant Events | Photos by Everton Rosa}
{Wedding by Michaela Honies | Elegant Events | Photos by Everton Rosa}

Donnerstag, 9. Juli 2009

| Real Weddings | Aus Liebe und der Musik wegen ...

... kamen Kristien und Ron nach Wien, um hier zu heiraten. Eine kleine und sehr feine Hochzeit sollte es werden mit Schwerpunkt auf dem großen Können der Braut, einer hervorragenden Pianistin. Ich habe für die beiden einen meiner Lieblingsfotografen in Österreich gebucht, seht euch doch in Ruhe die Bilder an und lasst euch von | Stefan Sösers | Stil begeistern - wir sind jedenfalls immer wieder überrascht, wie wunderbar dieser ruhige und so sympathische junge Fotograf so unendlich schöne Momente einfangen kann!

Alles Liebe, Michaela

{Wedding by Michaela Honies | Elegant Events | Photos by Stefan Söser}
{Wedding by Michaela Honies | Elegant Events | Photos by Stefan Söser}
{Wedding by Michaela Honies | Elegant Events | Photos by Stefan Söser}
{Wedding by Michaela Honies | Elegant Events | Photos by Stefan Söser}
{Wedding by Michaela Honies | Elegant Events | Photos by Stefan Söser}
{Wedding by Michaela Honies | Elegant Events | Photos by Stefan Söser}
{Wedding by Michaela Honies | Elegant Events | Photos by Stefan Söser}

Montag, 6. Juli 2009

| Fashion | Internet Sale

Nicht immer muss man eine Braut sein, um verzweifelt nach einem Kleid für eine Hochzeit zu suchen. Oft hat man es als Gast nicht viel leichter! Ist man beispielsweise wie Michaela mit einem Kasten voller wunderschöner Kleider in der wunderschönen «Farbe« Schwarz gesegnet, dann erbettelt man sich entweder das Ausnahmerecht der "Ich hab nichts anderes"-Verzweifelten oder nutzt in Zeiten des Ausverkaufs so herrliche Webseiten wie | | und sucht sich etwas schönes «Farbiges« zu einem vernünftigen Preis. Weil das wird ja dann doch wieder nur einmal getragen. Wer will schon auf der nächsten Hochzeit wieder das Gleiche anziehen? ist einer der wenigen deutschsprachigen Designer-Shops im Internet, der auch zu vernünftigen Preisen nach Österreich liefert und wo ihr kostenlos zurückschicken könnt, was nicht passt oder nicht gefällt. 

{Green and White Dress | Roberto Cavalli  Photo |}
{Stone Dress | Riser Goodwyn  Photo |}
{Ivory-Rose-Grey Dress | Hoss Intropia  Photo |}
{Olive Dress | Colette Dinnigan  Photo |}

Donnerstag, 2. Juli 2009

| Fashion | Rettl mich!

We may find typical folk clothes in several countries. But let us talk today about «Austrian Trachten«, because we love living here, and the whole world looks to Dirndln and Co. with awe! We prefer to not think about these wonderful clothes representing groups belonging, status or origin. No! Let us focus on Trachten because it can be an original, beautiful and traditional choice of wedding fashion. Just that!
We got to know | Rettl | some months ago, and all this time we have been asking ourselves in which planet we had been living at in order to have been unaware of its existence! We have had the pleasure to walk around feeling pretty in Rettl, and we brought Brazil, during {our attendance} to the luxury fair | CASAR 2009 |, to love their designs too. Rettl - actually Rettl 1868 because it has been producing great clothes since then - started as a military uniform factory, which in 1882, thanks goodness and Hans Rettl, also became a «civil tailor shop«. Let us mention right here that even the Archduke Franz Ferdinand counted among Rettl costumers.

{Trachten | Rettl Foto | Peter Berger}
{Trachten | Rettl Foto | Peter Berger}

Today, after four generations of Rettls, we are now under the magical and creative power of Thomas Rettl, under whose rule we kept wondering whether we were dressed to join Prince Charles in a walk in Balmorals grounds, or for tea in Frogmore, or maybe just dressed to kilt! State of art in fashion design! Noble velvet, silk, wool and cashmere! Meticulous finishing! 
Thus, if you are considering Trachten as your wedding fashion statement, check it out! Civil ceremony? Winter wedding? Wishing to look exclusive? Well, we repeat the motto: Yes, yes, yes! Rettl mich!

{Trachten | Rettl Foto | Peter Berger}
{Trachten | Rettl Foto | Peter Berger}
{Trachten | Rettl Foto | Peter Berger}